Tips on choosing Modern Furniture for your new office

POSTED ON: Thursday 04, 2020

Tips on choosing Modern Furniture for your new office

POSTED ON: Thursday 04, 2020

The reasons for getting new office furniture could be anything – increase in the number of employees, upgrade to larger space, revamp in the office interiors etc. Either way, you should choose new and modern furniture carefully because not only does it affect the wellbeing and productivity in the office, it also plays a role in enticing potential employees.

Tips on choosing the right commercial furniture

Your office or brand style could be any. Here are a few tips on choosing the right office furniture that would resonate with the ambience and vibes you wish to create.

  • Decide a budget

Choosing commercial furniture can be done in multiple ways and can be haphazard without a budget in place. Decide the budget and decide on the  furniture pieces required and accessories, so that you can search the right places to procure these. Also, once you have the budget you can contact suppliers who deal with modern office furniture for competitive prices.

  •  Utilise extra spaces as break out areas

Break out areas are as important as the workspaces. This is where people take breaks, have their meals and even have informal or impromptu meetings in small teams. Even if a separate room isn’t available for the purpose, a space within a room can be cordoned off and designed as the breakout area. Know the available space dimensions and choose office furniture accordingly to avoid cramped spaces. You and your employees should have enough space to move around comfortably. Think about using Wigwam tables where they can sit or stand, and also move around freely.

  • Factor in functionality

In designing extra spaces as agile break out spaces, also think about making these more functional with Wigwam tables that offer charging and lighting. Also, include co-create tables with built-in power sockets to facilitate charging devices in meeting rooms. These will translate into better productivity, as it means no disruption in their workflow. Also arranging office furniture in certain ways can aid in giving a more spacious look. 

  • Remember brand identity

Choose commercial furniture in sync with your brand identity and that can add to the beauty of your place. A good design helps in lightening mood, stress relief and higher productivity. Understanding colours and their effects could be useful. For example, orange is synonymous with energy and creativity, so that can be your colour for an energetic ambience. Take extra care if you are choosing multiple colours so that they don’t clash and create the opposite effect. Also, the colours and design of your office furniture should resonate with the personality of your office and brand.